To rightly consider this question, we must first define what it means for a text to be corrupted. A text is considered corrupted when the original language (in this case Greek or Hebrew) has been changed to alter its meaning. In this case, we can no longer trust in the reliability of these texts. However, this is not the case with the Torah or the Injil! Allah has protected these texts from corruption and has provided us with countless scrolls dating back in history with sections of His scriptures in their original language.

The Torah was written in Hebrew and the earliest scrolls that we have are a collection of 900 scrolls that we call the Dead Seas Scrolls. These scrolls are dated between the third century B.C and 1st century A.D. In addition to these, there is a completed set of the Torah called the Masoretic Text. This was a collection of scrolls that was put together by Jewish academies that was completed by the 10th century. From these texts, scholars have translated the Torah into other languages like English and Malayalam.

This same concept applies to the Injil, which was written in Greek. The Injil was written by eyewitnesses to the life of Isa Al-Masih. Most of these eyewitnesses were killed for believing the truth about Isa Al-Masih. Yet, despite the danger, these eyewitnesses were still faithful to record their accounts of Isa Al-Masih’s life and teaching for us in the Injil. There are scrolls of the Injil from as early as 125 AD and the entire Injil was put together and printed from the Codex Sinaiticus and receptus, first in the 4th century and again in the 15th century. Just like the Torah, the Injil that we read today is a translation of these original texts. These texts have remained the same through the power of Allah preserving them and we now can read these books in our native languages.

So, to answer the question: are the Torah and Injil corrupted? No, they are not! They have been preserved in their original languages and have also been translated so that we can read them. Translation is a difficult work and sometimes words from Greek and Hebrew do not always translate perfectly, but none of these translations change the meaning of these texts and the truth that Allah sent His prophets to proclaim to His people.


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